Friday, November 30, 2012

Tween Girls Clothing Company, Palooza, LLC appeals to Tween Micro-Niche Market – offering Children’s and Juniors Apparel in One Ecommerce Site

Palooza, LLC, a new tween girls clothing company distinguishes itself by catering to a small niche market within an existing marketplace. It is well known that entering Middle School is a huge milestone for tween girls. Just ask any parent, or any Middle School girl and they will produce a lengthy list of ways these girls and families are changing. It is not uncommon for these tween girls to experience big adjustments in their interests, fashion sense, and emotional needs. There are certainly new challenges for pre-teen girls and their parents. Shopping for back to school becomes an Olympic Sport to many families.

That is exactly what, one Mother and Daughter experienced when getting ready for middle school in 2011. "Together we spent marathon hours in dressing rooms at every store imaginable. Discounters, department stores, retailers, children's stores, women's stores and trendy young adult stores. We even tried local boutique stores for clothes that appealed to my daughter's sense of playful fashion." At every attempt to find clothes that appealed, there was a resounding "No."

There isn't a parent around that hasn't run into that kind of response in this age group. Pre-teens are not known for their ability to make concessions when it comes to their parents. But this was different than a simple situation of give and take. fashion coats This wasn't your typical disagreement over what is age appropriate and what is too revealing. This was different because it wasn't Mom saying No – it was her daughter. Mom was saying, "Try it, you never know" and her daughter was saying "Not for me, Mom."

So, like many Mompreneurs, Stacey Seguin began asking questions, and observing what the options were for pre-teen girls. Stacey Seguin believes "The Great Tween Marketing Machine" is aimed at ages 7-12, who wear sizes according to their age. But, this reflects an oversimplification. In truth, many girls age 10 are ready for Junior size 3. However, what preteens find in traditional junior departments and stores may surprise and disappoint them. Good luck navigating the missing backs and low cut fronts and see thru fabrics with a super choosy tween.

That is what Stacey Seguin and her daughter experienced. Sarah who was then a rising 5th grader, decided to find a way to bring a different kind of Tween Clothing store to girls and parents who are short on time and want to have the benefit of both children's sizes and junior sizes in one place. Together, with Sarah's friend Jordyn, who was then a rising 4th grader, Palooza, LLC took root. Their vision: an online, boutique, tween girls clothing company that would be the go to place for rising middle school girls.

Palooza is fun, and different; in tune to girls growing perceptions of themselves, catering to socially conscious tweens and their parents. It is a well defined micro-niche market. Stacey Seguin says, "We are small. We aren't trying to be big, we are just trying to do something for a select group of girls who aren't satisfied, or have different needs than the mass marketplace for tweens can provide. Palooza – Uniquely Tweens is focused on this small gap in the market place".

About Palooza, LLC. For more information contact Stacey Seguin at 336 404 5308. Or check us out at Palooza is committed to being fur free, and working with socially conscious organizations and apparel professionals. Like what you see? Connect with us on Facebook at, or Twitter @mypaloozaonline. We are interested in working with businesses and individuals who share our passion for tween girls fashion. If you would like to join our team, send your resume and qualifications to Jobs at Palooza, LLC, PO Box 132, Browns Summit, NC 27214.

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